Tuesday, July 31, 2012

China and the Outsourcing of the American Republic!

Headlines: Keep the dry ran going! Nothing happened here! 

Could it be that money plays a significant role to be on your side? Only time will tell…

#TPP is coming soon...

#PlayingByTheRules > ABC News > I say #StayVigilant
#TPD #TotalCONTROL #Agenda21 #2ndAmendmentRights
#NoShelter #NoFood #NoJobs #NoProblem > #PRS

In a "rare" instance of real journalism, ABC news aired a report on the increasing number of foreign workers being contracted and imported into the United States for the purpose of rebuilding U.S. infrastructure.

It is part of a trend in globalization that sees an increasing Chinese presence in the United States, including everything from banking to outright purchase of U.S. cities to planting Chinese flags on U.S. soil to GM effectively becoming China Motors to buying up U.S. oil and gas deposits.

Learn more:

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.”

Scrutinize the candidates BEFORE/AFTER Election. Why? It’s because WE are a Human Being! IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!! #Puppeteers and the GREAT #Puppets

UPDATES: Please remember that out of 535 elected officials in Congress, there’s only MAYBE ONE or TWO that’s been serving for the best interest of the majority of the people!!! And it seems that pretty soon it would all be 535 elected official needed to be VOTED OUT!!!

How PITIFUL is that? IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!! #HumanMindNOTPartyMind DO NOT be a #HumanRoBOT

That is… up to us, WE THE PEOPLE! #UnchainedUs

If WE really want the REAL CHANGE besides electing the PRESIDENT that’s OF/FOR/BY the People! #YouAreTheRevolution

Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty

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