Monday, July 16, 2012

NRA’s Wayne LaPierre Blasts Un Over Gun Control Treaty!

Listen to the Amazing Speech of NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre!!

#WeThePeople #Respect #USConstitution #2ndAmendmentRights 

#StayVigilant #TheAwaken of the #SleepingGiant

NRA Executive Vice President and CEO Wayne LaPierre delivers remarks before the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty Conference - For more information, go to: Wayne LaPierre Fights for the Second Amendment Before the United Nations - NRA News - July 11, 2012 -

 Another great video to watch:

On the Monday, July 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show, guest host Mike Adams talks with former newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author Jim Marrs. Jim and Mike talk about the United Nations' gun-grabber internationalist treaty and other topics of pertinence. Jim's latest book is The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy: How the New World Order, Man-Made Diseases, and Zombie Banks Are Destroying America.

Let me refresh your memory with the video below.

This is one of the most important videos you will see on YouTube. Do your patriotic duty and share this with everyone you can.

Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's testimony asserting that the United Nations and NATO have supreme authority over the actions of the United States military, words which effectively declare Congress a ceremonial relic, have prompted Congressman Walter Jones to introduce a resolution that re-affirms such behavior as an "impeachable high crime and misdemeanor" under the Constitution.

During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing yesterday, Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey brazenly admitted that their authority comes not from the U.S. Constitution, but that the United States is subservient to and takes its marching orders from the United Nations and NATO, international bodies over which the American people have no democratic influence.

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.”

Scrutinize the candidates BEFORE/AFTER Election. Why? It’s because WE are a Human Being! IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!! #Puppeteers and the GREAT #Puppets#WantsTotalCONTROL

UPDATES: Please remember that out of 535 elected officials in Congress, there’s only MAYBE ONE or TWO that’s been serving for the best interest of the majority of the people!!! And it seems that pretty soon it would all be 535 elected official needed to be VOTED OUT!!! How PITIFUL is that? IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!!

That is… up to us, WE THE PEOPLE! #UnchainedUs

If WE really want the REAL CHANGE besides electing the PRESIDENT that’s OF/FOR/BY the People! #YouAreTheRevolution

Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty

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