Wednesday, September 19, 2012

"Legalized Plunder: Interview With G. Edward Griffin"

Headlines: "The Federal Reserve Is a Cartel"

"Legalized Plunder: Interview With G. Edward Griffin"

Legalized Plunder – Why we have all been had, fooled and deceived…. and the surprising reason we keep asking for more of the same bad medicine

Author G Edward Griffin was pilloried from all sides when his book The Creature from Jekyll Island was first published in 1994.

18 years later, when prediction after prediction has come true, and Griffin's claim that we are in the middle of enormous changes to society that will affect your lifestyle, your livelihood and your financial well being are playing out every day, people are taking notice.

Last week in his candid video interview with Casey Research’s Louis James. Griffin talked about the book, his thoughts on the ominous slide towards a totalitarian state and where he feels we are heading. From here on in.

Learn more: TRANSCRIPT embedded

"The Federal Reserve Is a Cartel" - G. Edward Griffin

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon?

Tomorrow is the End of Today! #MastersVsSlaves

Peace, Truth & Freedom #TPD

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