Monday, October 1, 2012

Where was the gold?

Headlines: Where was the gold?

Plus more GOLD news: For Decades: Two-Party Plutocracy - Nothing is Impossible to achieve!

The US Fed Has Stolen the German Bundesbank's Central Bank Gold Reserves

Tungsten Plated Gold Bars - Robert Rubin & Larry Summers Implicated *2 videos (Embedded)

Where was the gold?

I am an avid reader of monetary history. Of late I have been focusing on the monetary events of the 1920s and 1930s. By learning from the maelstrom that riled the global financial scene during those two tumultuous decades, I aim to better understand present circumstances because there are many similarities between then and now.

I’ve just finished a fascinating book published in 1955 entitled Confessions of The Old Wizard. It is the autobiography of Hjalmar Horace Greeley Schacht, whose improbable name reflects his North Schleswig ancestry and his father’s admiration of an American newspaper editor.

For those not familiar with him, Schacht is generally given credit for ending in 1923 the Weimar Republic hyperinflation and putting Germany once again on a sound monetary footing, commendable feats which earned him the nickname “The Old Wizard”. He did this first as Commissioner of the Currency for the Finance Ministry and thereafter as President of the Reichsbank. For these achievements, he received worldwide acclaim as well as fame, if that word accurately describes the popular attention and respect given to a skilled central banker.

Schacht’s autobiography contains many stories and anecdotes, including those of his meetings with dozens of famous people. But Schacht’s account of a meeting with Benjamin Strong is one I found particularly important, shocking even.

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The US Fed Has Stolen the German Bundesbank's Central Bank Gold Reserves

The US Fed Still has not Disclosed What They've Done with Germany's Gold Reserves! Enough to make a prudent man wonder how many other foreign central banks may have had their custodial gold 'misplaced' by the Fed, eh?

Are you beginning to understand why the US Fed is terrified of an independent congressional audit? Grabbing ETF and COMEX gold is just a 'walk in the park'.

Learn more:

Tungsten Plated Gold Bars - Robert Rubin & Larry Summers Implicated *2 videos (Embedded)

These two clips republished from our October 2011 post archives:

Mr. Chapman passed on June 4, 2012, but his truth still speaks.
Video - Bob Chapman on fake gold bars in Fort Knox

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Nobody owns your MIND but YOU!

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon? #PRS #WW3 #BarittObamney

Tomorrow is the End of Today! #MastersVsSlaves

Peace, Truth & Freedom #TPD

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