Saturday, November 3, 2012

Californians: Stop Waiting to Be Helped on GMO Labeling, FOOD LABELING! IT HAS MONSANTO'S FULL BACKING!, Dr. Mercola Interviews Vicky Debold about GMO Vaccines, 11 YRS OLD EXPOSES MONSANTO AND TELLS MONSANTO WHERE THEY CAN SHOVE IT .. BRAVE

Headlines: Californians: Stop Waiting to Be Helped on GMO Labeling, FOOD LABELING! IT HAS MONSANTO'S FULL BACKING!, Dr. Mercola Interviews Vicky Debold about GMO Vaccines, 11 YRS OLD EXPOSES MONSANTO AND TELLS MONSANTO WHERE THEY CAN SHOVE IT .. BRAVE



#EndMonsantoNOW #YESon37 #ItsYourHealth #ItsYourLife

Plus additional WAKE UP – Health News and Videos:

Californians: Stop Waiting to Be Helped on GMO Labeling
Is Team Organic Outspending Team Big Ag in the GMO Labeling Fight?
“Expert” Detractors on California Prop 37 are Shills for Big Biotech (VIDEO)
Breaking News Alert! Dr. Mercola Attacked by Biotech Bullies
Who's Pissed About GMO's?
Dr. Mercola Interviews Vicky Debold about GMO Vaccines
GMO Companies Lying To Public To Fight Prop 37
GMOs: Trust Corporations to Decide What's Best PSA

…And now for the Alternatives News that humankind deserves to read, watch and analyze.

Californians: Stop Waiting to Be Helped on GMO Labeling

Let's get real and personal, Californians. Your lives are at stake here. How many people have you spoken to? How many churches, temples, organizations, etc., are you in and have you informed other members? How many signs have you made yourself and put up?

The following sign says it all. But it must to be translated into Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, Hindi, Arabic, Amharic, etc. and put up everywhere. On car windows, on baby strollers, on bikes, on telephone poles, on fences, on walls, on bulletin boards at coffee shops, in cafes, etc.

Can you help make that happen? Can you download the poster in English and put up copies in your neighborhood and other places you go? Can you ask your friends to do the same?

Will you spend any time to help protect yourself and your family?

Learn more:

Anonymous said...

As for ORGANIC food companies, here is some very practical, ‘actionable’ information:
Which, so-called “organic” food companies are fighting Prop 37 in California, to stop GMO labeling, and which organic food companies are funding/supporting GMO labeling (ie, your right to know)?

Boycott the Organic and ‘Natural’ Traitor Brands Whose Parent Companies Oppose Your Right to Know (ie, who oppose CA Prop 37)

Which Mega-Corporations own which “organic” food companies?

Download the “NON-GMO Shopping Guide” here:

Is Team Organic Outspending Team Big Ag in the GMO Labeling Fight?

In my Tuesday post about California's Prop. 37 ballot initiative that would require the labeling of genetically modified food, I wrote about a "gusher" of agribusiness cash entering the state to defeat the proposition, which will be voted on in the November election. In the first comment below the post, frequent commenter Rachael Ludwick writes that "groups in favor of this proposition have so far outspent Big Ag."

And she's right—but the gap is closing quickly. Here's what I mean.

These are all massive entities with plenty of capacity to give more as the election draws near.

On the "yes" side, by far the biggest giver since the start of July has been the Organic Consumers Fund ($150,000), which is the 501C(4) arm of the Organic Consumers Association. The OCA has long been the scrappy gadfly of the organic-food movement, holding out for a non-corporate view of what organic means. Under federal law, 501C(4) entities don't have to disclose their donors, and OCA director Ronnie Cummins has not returned my email asking for information on donors. Stacy Malkan of California Right to Know told me that the Organic Consumers Fund mainly raises its money from small donors.

Organic food companies like Eden Foods ($10,000), Nutiva ($50,000) made grants to the "yes" side, as did Michael Funk, CEO of United Natural Foods, who gave $50,000. But even the largest of these companies, United Natural Foods, is small compared to the agrichemical interests funding the "no" side. United Natural Foods has annual revenues of about $5 billion, dwarfed by DuPont (annual revenues of $40 billion), Syngenta ($13 billion), and BASF ($90 billion). Eden Foods, with its $44 million in annual revenue, and Nutiva, with its $20 million, don't play in that league.

Then there's trade associations. In addition to the above-mentioned Biotechnology Industry Organization, the "no" side has benefited from the largesse of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, which has so far given a total of $375,000 and has declared that defeating Prop. 37 is its "highest priority" in 2012. GMA—whose members range from Big Food companies like Kellogg, Nestle, and Pepsi to Big Agribiz companies like Monsanto and Syngenta—brought in $33 million in 2010, according to its last publicly available tax form 990. It's got the corporate resources to pump significant money into beating back the labeling challenge.

In short, while the forces in favor of Prop. 37 have indeed so far raised and spent more cash than the opponents, the situation looks likely to dramatically reverse as the election draws nearer. As Katherine Spiers of Los Angeles' KCET Radio put it recently, "Expect to see plenty of 'Yes on 37' stickers and signs at your local farmers' market between now and November—and even more 'No on 37' commercials on TV."

Learn more:

“Expert” Detractors on California Prop 37 are Shills for Big Biotech (VIDEO)

All eyes are on California where Proposition 37, which, if passed, would require labeling of foods produced using genetic engineering. It will be put to voters on November 6th. In recent weeks, the battle over GMO labeling has taken an ugly turn. In a true David versus Goliath battle, the opposition will apparently stop at nothing to defeat the measure.

What are they so afraid of?

A common corporate tactic, well-honed by the tobacco industry, is to hire "third-party experts" to bring your message to the public, especially through the media. The idea is that academic types carry much more credibility than the likes of Monsanto when it comes to defending genetically engineered food.
Learn more:

Breaking News Alert! Dr. Mercola Attacked by Biotech Bullies

We all know that labeling genetically engineered foods is a common sense right that is enjoyed by over 50 other countries, including China, India, and Russia.
But for Americans, that right has been taken away from us. The chemical companies and the junk food companies have done everything possible to hide the truth from Americans for the sake of their profits.

I knew going into this battle, that it would be a significant challenge and risk to me personally. You see, when you fight against major chemical companies like Monsanto, you're sure to get a little dirty along the way.

The processed food and chemical companies have paid over $40 million to hide the science experiment that has secretly ended up on the dinner plates of hundreds of millions of unknowing Americans. These multinational corporations are worried, and will do anything to keep you in the dark.

Learn more:

Meanwhile… Not so long ago…


Monsanto believes you should be fully aware of the facts before making a purchase.

We support the efforts of retailers and others to provide you with labels about the use of biotechnology in food. We encourage you to look out for them.

Learn more:

Recently you may have noticed a label appearing on some of the food in your supermarket. This is to inform you about the use of biotechnology in food.
Monsanto fully supports UK food manufacturers and retailers in their introduction of these labels. We believe you should be aware of all the facts before making a purchase.

Learn more:

Who's Pissed About GMO's? 

Natural health physician and founder Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Vicky Debold, a NVIC board member and volunteer Director of Research and Patient Safety, about GMO vaccines.

Dr. Mercola Interviews Vicky Debold about GMO Vaccines 

SYNOPSIS: 3rd World Peeps of A. 3 cents…

Folks, isn’t it pitiful that 11 years old get it and you DO NOT?

With that being said, it is up to you to agree, it your health, anyway…


OR… you can agree with Evil Monsanto! It’s your choice!

GMO Companies Lying To Public To Fight Prop 37 

GMOs: Trust Corporations to Decide What's Best PSA 

Nobody OWNS your Mind but YOU! #TwoPartyConJob

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always!

Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon? #BarittObamney

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.” #TPD #TPP #HAARP #Chemtrails

Boycott the Presidential Election! Then VOTE the Self-Interest Politicians OUT in Congress! #Agenda21 Law of Sea Treaty > #LOST

Because the Game is Rigged then it needs an Illegitimate result!

Tomorrow is the End of Today! Deep Underground Military Bases #DUMBs

Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty

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