Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Ralph Nader: Both Parties, Two Heads of Same Corporate Beast, How Long After the Election Will Obama Sign Executive Order to Control the Internet?, Romney Leaks: Drugs, Blood Diamonds and a Cuban Mistress (Updated)

Headlines: Ralph Nader: Both Parties, Two Heads of Same Corporate Beast, How Long After the Election Will Obama Sign Executive Order to Control the Internet?, Romney Leaks: Drugs, Blood Diamonds and a Cuban Mistress (Updated)
Plus Additional News and Videos:

US Elections: From the “Lesser to the Greater Evil”. The Demise of Critical Liberalism
Professor Obama Lectures the Muslim World
Romney Leaks: Drugs, Blood Diamonds and a Cuban Mistress (Updated)
Ralph Nader: Both Parties, Two Heads of Same Corporate Beast
'Two-party system an illusion, both funded from same source'
Numbers Don't Lie - AdYourVoice - Avram Ludwig
Record Breaker: Long-Term Unemployment Over 40%
Long-Term Unemployment Rises in October to 40.6%
Food Stamp Growth 75X Greater than Job Creation
The Obama Welfare State: If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it - Mark Twain
U.S. reiterates opposition to Palestine's UN bid
U.S. should reconsider giving aid to Israel
The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE - Not Government – Entities
Congress Fully Approved Another 100 Year Charter To A Private Banking Cartel That Has Allowed The US to Go Bankrupt. The People You Voted In for the Last 100 Years Want You to Stay Bankrupt
How Long After the Election Will Obama Sign Executive Order to Control the Internet?
Shocking Truth ~ Breakdown Unavoidable
Stop Legitimizing the Political Process with Your Vote
Actually, It's People Who Vote Who Have No Right To Complain

…And now for the Alternative news that humankind deserves to read/watch and analyze.

US Elections: From the “Lesser to the Greater Evil”. The Demise of Critical Liberalism

The Future: Post-Election Consequences

With or without the re-election of Obama, his regime and policies have laid the groundwork for an ever more regressive and reactionary social agenda: living standards including health, welfare, social security will be cut drastically. Afro-Americans will remain invisible except to the police and racist judicial system. Immigrants will be hunted down and driven out of homes and jobs: immigrant student dreams will become nightmares of fear and trepidation. Death squads, proxy and drone wars will multiply to prop up a bankrupt US empire.

Unaccountable and hypocritical progressives will shift gears and criticize the president they elected; or if it’s Romney they will attack the same vices they overlooked during Obama’s electoral campaign: more cuts in public spending and climate change will result in greater deterioration in everyday life and basic infrastructure; more floods, fires, plagues and blackouts. New Yorkers will learn to detox their toilet water; they might be drinking and bathing in it.

Learn more: http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-elections-from-the-lesser-to-the-greater-evil-the-demise-of-critical-liberalism/5310488


Contradictions and Hypocrisy
Professor Obama Lectures the Muslim World

Learn more:

Romney Leaks: Drugs, Blood Diamonds and a Cuban Mistress (Updated)

FBI, CIA and Foreign Intelligence Agencies “Leak” Romney Files
(See Addendum for updated critical material)

The information below is the result of years of investigation including two years undercover, inside of one of Mexico’s biggest drug cartels. Files include wire taps, documents, photographs, including documents from Cuban intelligence which include photos and recordings, secured at extreme risk.

Romney, spying for Cuba and Russia, Romney running terrorism in Africa, this is what the FBI, CIA and the files state. Documents outline several meetings between Romney and Castro. FBI officials now indicate that Romney’s travels were done under diplomatic passport supplied by the KGB.

NOTE: Please check out my previous post and analyze the situation now.

Learn more: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/11/01/romney-leaks-drugs-blood-diamonds-and-a-cuban-mistress/

Ralph Nader: Both Parties, Two Heads of Same Corporate Beast

Abby Martin talks to author and former US Presidential Candidate, Ralph Nader, about the US electoral system and breaking out of the "lesser of two evils" mentality.

NOTE: The STATUS QUO is a GREAT tool to dupe people and SOME of the Occupy Wall Street activists have been doing that for their own self-interest. Please bear in mind that NOT all Occupy Movement is the same as #OWS . You’ve been forewarned… Pure 99% ALWAYS thinks and cares for the best interest of the majority of the people. Stay VIGILANT!

Learn more: http://ow.ly/ccHEc

Ralph Nader: Both Parties, Two Heads of Same Corporate Beast

'Two-party system an illusion, both funded from same source'

Almost 30 million Americans have already cast their votes for President, queuing for hours at early polling stations across the country. Although too soon to tell which way the vote is swinging, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are locked together according to most polls. But lost in the rivalry between Republican and Democrat, are the alternatives that many Americans have longed for.
For perspective on what the third party candidates have to offer, RT talks to Mike Harris, managing director of AMT Capital Partners.

'Two-party system an illusion, both funded from same source'

h/t Comment: Numbers Don't Lie - AdYourVoice - Avram Ludwig

Casualties in war is up. Drone strikes are up. Size of government is up. National Debt is up. Rate of inflation is up. Prison population is up. Price of gas and staple foods is up.

Distrust of government is at an all time high.

Obama. Romney. It doesn't matter who you vote for. The government stays in power, and the government is essentially a criminal organization - the most violent, thieving, murderous institution in the history of the planet. From: ocrates0ne

Numbers Don't Lie - AdYourVoice - Avram Ludwig 

Hmm, OK…Why don’t we read and analyze the Alternative news, shall we?

Record Breaker: Long-Term Unemployment Over 40%
Learn more: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/record-breaker-long-term-unemployment-over-40_112012

Long-Term Unemployment Rises in October to 40.6%
Learn more: http://cnsnews.com/news/article/long-term-unemployment-rises-october-406

Food Stamp Growth 75X Greater than Job Creation
Learn more: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/food-stamp-growth-75x-greater-job-creation_660073.html

The Obama Welfare State: If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it - Mark Twain

As everyone knows by now, the employment numbers/unemployment rate metric is manipulated by an extraordinary degree and in a way which enables the Government to release headline statistics that make the employment situation in this country appear far stronger than it is in truth. It's Orwellian manipulation at its finest.

I don't know what else to say about this matter because welfare plus the military complex are going to bring about the complete collapse of our system. All the corruption, fraud, and imperialism abroad are symptoms of a system in collapse and a Government that is controlled by people who serve no purpose other than to benefit from the transfer of middle class wealth using the welfare system, banking system fraud and the military complex as the conduits.

One last point. It won't make a difference which political party gets the White House or control of Congress in the next election. It just doesn't matter any more and if you think it does, then you are sadly ignorant of the facts, hopelessly naive or tragically stupid.

Learn more: http://www.pacificrimcoins.com/pacrim/content/obama-welfare-state-if-voting-made-any-difference-they-wouldnt-let-us-do-it-mark-twain

SYNOPSIS: 3rd World Peeps of A. 3 cents…

As the open-minded persons would say, it doesn’t matter who wins the Presidential Race, it is the same face with a different mask. In other words, the twin-party dictatorship wins always.

Many Thanks to Zombies! Keep up the GREAT Minds!

With that being said, it is the same foreign policy, same puppets and puppeteers but with a more aggressive force and dirty tactics this time. In other words, nothing has change and the hopes for change are still up in the air. Embrace it.

You gotta remember that Obama already laid a great additional foundation (i.e., NDAA, H.R. 347, QE3 infinitive, GMO protector and Drones to name a few. We just have to wait for the “Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon.” Sorry folks and zombies, Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) are reserved ONLY for Puppeteers and the GREAT Puppets. And our names are NOT in their lists. Thus, it’s listed under Useful Idiots and Useless Eaters. Rejoice Everyone!

Now, moving on for what we expect in the near future of United SLAVES of Amerika (U.S.A.)

Like these same ones…Oh, did I mention about our so-called “Internet Freedom”? It’s coming soon…

U.S. reiterates opposition to Palestine's UN bid

The U.S. government on Friday reiterated its opposition to Palestine's bid to seek a non-member- state status in the United Nations, Xinhua reported.
"Our comment is no different than the comment that we've been making for more than a year," said State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland at a regular briefing. "Actions in the United Nations, efforts to move this forward in the United Nations, are not going to bring the Palestinian people any closer to a state."
A senior Palestinian official recently said that the vote on whether to recognize Palestine as a non-member state by the United Nations will be "very soon."

The United States and Israel oppose the Palestinians' UN bid, and have called on Palestine to gain statehood through peace negotiations.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas reportedly told Israeli TV in an interview that will be aired on Friday evening: "We want an independent Palestinian state on the territories occupied in 1967 beside the state of Israel."

"I think we've been pretty clear here about what we are seeking, which is a negotiated solution between Israelis and Palestinians that is lasting and sustainable and results in two states that can live next to each other," Nuland added.

Source: http://en.trend.az/regions/world/usa/2083608.html?

U.S. should reconsider giving aid to Israel

Recent Sounding Board comments reveal a consensus that foreign aid takes scarce taxpayer money from us and, at the least, requires monitoring to ensure that it supports America's interests.

Last month, 15 leaders of major American Christian churches wrote a letter to Congress to reconsider giving aid to Israel because of documented human rights abuses against Palestinian civilians. The letter comes after many years of failed efforts to encourage both sides to pursue peace. Church leaders making their voices heard for justice and reason include Presbyterians, Lutherans, United Methodists, United Church of Christ, the Disciples of Christ, American Friends Service Committee (Quakers), National Council of Churches, and the Mennonite Central Committee. Two Catholic leaders also signed, including the head of the Conference of Major Superiors, a coalition of men's religious orders.
The letter focuses only on Israel since it is the largest recipient of American foreign aid and our money is given without any accountability. We pay Israel more than $3 billion every year, mostly for military weapons to the fourth strongest military in the world and to a country whose economy, arguably, is in better financial shape than our own. Many authorities here and in the Middle East believe this aid helps fuel anti-American feelings.

Source: http://www.mcall.com/opinion/letters/mc-american-foreign-aid-to-israel-stravino-20121103,0,3450205.story?

The Federal Reserve ADMITS that Its 12 Banks Are PRIVATE - Not Government – Entities

Much of the tens of trillions in bailout money and "easy" money from quantitative easing went to foreign banks (and see embedded links this, this and this).
Indeed, Ron Paul noted recently that one-third of all fed bailout loans - and essentially100% of loans from the New York Fed - went to foreign banks.
The New York Fed is the most important Fed bank. As Bloomberg pointed out in 2009:

The New York Fed is one of 12 regional Federal Reserve banks and the one charged with monitoring capital markets. It is also managing $1.7trillion [now up to at least $1.9 trillion] of emergency lending programs [and accepting collateral from the banks in return].

Learn more: http://georgewashington2.blogspot.com/2011/07/federal-reserve-admits-that-its-12.html

Will the Congress allow it again? You betcha! 100 year charter is not “Enough” to wake up the “SLAVES.”

Congress Fully Approved Another 100 Year Charter To A Private Banking Cartel That Has Allowed The US to Go Bankrupt. The People You Voted In for the Last 100 Years Want You to Stay Bankrupt

The federal reserve was introduced in 1913 by deceit and fraud.

When 2013 comes rolling around be prepared for either the main stream news not reporting on the federal reserve or, reporting that the federal reserve has been great, and efficient. We as citizens owe everything to the federal reserve literally. Do not believe their lies. The international bankers usurped everyone.

Here is the story of how the federal reserve was started. You will not see this in school:

A video going over how the Federal Reserve got its start, and what impact it has on the American Economy.

The Start of The Federal Reserve

Source/Read more: http://ow.ly/f0u2O

How Long After the Election Will Obama Sign Executive Order to Control the Internet?

Internet legislation has failed to pass in the halls of Congress in any form. The most recent attempt was the Cybersecurity Act of 2012 which was voted down by the Senate in August of this year.

The Hill recently reported that the cybersecurity bill is likely dead in Congress despite the Administrations best efforts to ratchet up the fear of a imminent "Cyber 9/11". The Hill writes:

Cybersecurity legislation faces long odds of passing Congress this year despite forceful calls for action from the White House and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

After Panetta warned in a speech last month that the cyber threat facing the United States represents a 'pre-9/11 moment,' Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said he planned to bring cybersecurity legislation to the floor in November and take another shot at clearing a bill through the upper chamber.

But there are several roadblocks that could prevent a bill from even reaching the Senate floor, and observers say Congress will likely punt the issue to next year.

Learn more: http://www.activistpost.com/2012/11/how-long-after-election-will-obama-sign.html

Finally, I’ll leave you with 2 videos and article to watch and analyze… I’m hoping that these videos will somehow makes you think twice. Before you vote (I hope, you do not) just remember your children and grandchildren’s future.

Shocking Truth ~ Breakdown Unavoidable 

Stop Legitimizing the Political Process with Your Vote 

Vote For Yourself, Don't Vote for Them : Empower yourself by becoming independent of their system , you cannot solve the problem with the same consciousness that created the problem , they do not control us we empower them , we do this with our actions : vote debt consumerism ignorance working for collectivist organizations like corporations military government , the change can never come from within the system , empower yourself and become independent of the system , stop legitimizing the political process with your vote stop trusting the banks with your money stop watching their propaganda , stop buying their goods , stop working for their collectives Stop playing the monkey in the middle of their Hegelian dialectic , walk away from the system and empower yourself ,Stop Legitimizing the system with your Vote , stop the fear , fear leads to inaction....

Comment and replied from uploader: Don't Vote 4 Them Vote 4 U

If Ron Paul cared about becoming "Historically Significant" then it would run counter to who he is, no? Would it not be more self-serving than anything? Yet, for those that challenge him as in this video to be "Historically Significant" then does that not fall to the people that profess to like his ideology(in what they do)? And how can anyone know what their own "Historical Significance" will be?
Paul is leading others by example and convictions of his life. Working in and out side. From: Pitty Zip

I am not attacking his leadership...

It is just in the wrong direction as NO change can come from inside the system.
Walking away from their paradigm is the best way to lead us forward.
This message will catch on as more and more effort is wasted and people finally get fed up. From: TruthNeverTold in reply to Pitty Zip

Credit/Source: Gerald Celente Blogspot

Don't Vote 4 Them Vote 4 U

Actually, It's People Who Vote Who Have No Right To Complain

(I posted this on Election Day last year. I have decided to post it again on Election Day this year for people who have discovered LewRockwell.com since then. I will probably continue to re-post this every Election Day—until Homeland Security eventually shuts down LewRockwell.com)

If you're a voluntaryist, like I am, I'm sure that you've had some person at one time or another say to you, "If you don't vote, then you have no right to complain." But that person's logic is backwards. If I don't accept something to begin with (in this case, the institution of government), what logic would it be on my part to have any sort of association and/or dealings with it that perpetuates its legitimacy—and then complain about it? If I don't like Chinese food, I don't go to Chinese restaurants. (And since the owners of the Chinese restaurants can't come after me to force me to patronize their businesses, then there's no need for me to complain about Chinese food.)

But if you do associate and/or have dealings with something, then there is a tacit understanding that you have accepted its conditions. For example: If you are a left-winger who believes in government and voting—but obviously didn't vote for Bush—then when Bush was elected you had no right to complain; you've already agreed to the condition that you will accept the results of the election regardless of who wins. (Of course, a person can complain about certain aspects of the government in the same way that I can complain about some of the food in a restaurant that I do patronize.)

On the other hand, since I (as a voluntaryist) don't accept the legitimacy of (nor even the need for) government to begin with, I have every right to complain about this inefficient, corrupt monopoly forcing itself on my personal being when I don't even want the services that it provides.

Source: http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/125394.html

Nobody OWNS Your Mind but YOU! #TwoPartyConJob 

As always, Openness then Reservation Always! Be Inquisitive Always! Which ones will occur first? HUGE Thunder False Flag, Martial Law, Financial Armageddon or Nuclear Armageddon? #BarittObamney

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents "Where TRUTH Matters Because We are all Human Beings."

#TPD #TPP #HAARP #Chemtrails

Boycott the Presidential Election! Then VOTE OUT the Self-Interest Politicians in Congress! #Agenda21 Law of Sea Treaty> #LOST

Because the Game is Rigged then it needs an Illegitimate result!

Tomorrow is the End of Today! Deep Underground Military Bases #DUMBs

Peace, Truth & Freedom

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