Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Major False Flag Terror Attack Coming Soon to America?

Headlines: Which one first Austerity or Financial Armageddon or BIG Thunder?

Human Nature: Person hasn’t been affected by the STATUS QUO would always IGNORE the TRUTH other than the REAL Humanitarian and Patriotic Ones!

#EndTheFED #August2013 #FFA #LFFAO
#2ndAmendmentRights #TotalCONTROL
#Chemtrail #FreeYourMind Or #BADASS

Sadly, when the Financial Armageddon occurs it is the American people and the rest of the humankind will suffer. Since we live in ONE planet called Virtual Earth, everybody will get affected and it doesn’t matter your party affiliation with, gender, sex, race and age. You live in ONE world. Signs, signs, signs are everywhere except for Human RoBOT. Nothing will happen. Well, you won’t see it coming because you are living in your OWN reality. Where the TRUTH is surreal and the LIES are REAL?

The ONLY question now is, when?

You Will Not Believe What Some People Are Willing To Do For A Paycheck These Days

US poverty to jump highest since 1960s

Mega-Banks Plan for Collapse with Contingency Plans and Private Police Force

Max Keiser: Total Financial Collapse by April 2013

Warning: Get Your Money Out: “All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially Gone”

Startling Evidence That Central Banks And Wall Street Insiders Are Rapidly Preparing For Something BIG

As America's engineered economic implosion accelerates, the parallels with how the Roman empire fell are staggering. It is now abundantly clear that the ruling class is preparing for a planned economic implosion after which they will declare themselves the saviors.

A recent Reuters report highlighting how the Federal Reserve has been telling major banks in the U.S. to prepare for a "worst case scenario" financial collapse and that these banks would not be able to rely on government support underscores once again how the elite are positioning themselves to exploit the next leg of the orchestrated financial meltdown.

Just as happened in the aftermath of 2008, the ruling class is getting ready to offer the solution of more centralized control and more financial serfdom as the solution to the problem they created in the first place.

By making the public and industry beg for QE3, the Federal Reserve will once again try to manipulate the crisis to portray itself as the guardian of a fragile system and accumulate yet more power.

America is now ruled by a gaggle of completely corrupt financial terrorists who will stop at nothing to hollow out the country in pursuit of their own maniacal and selfish gain.

This precisely parallels Rome's rapacious ruling Emperors and Senators of the fifth century who were so obsessed with seizing wealth and control that they ended up destroying their own culture, their own country and its empire in the process.

Just as in Rome, while the ruling elite got filthy rich, the people struggled and starved.

More than 100 million Americans are now on government welfare, a third of the entire country, and that figure doesn't even include Social Security or Medicare.

22.3 million households and 46.5 million Americans have now entered technical poverty and live off food stamps.

The Roman Style Collapse of Western Civilization


Is “False Flag” the first one to occur BEFORE the other two?

IMO, Well all I can say is long overdue…

3rd World Peeps of A love the comments below:

Amazing! Too many people, no doubt, will be living in the Matrix. Those that uphold the Government as being "king authority", will be sadly disappointed. But then, we already knew the Government was up to something, Now we know for sure.

Thanks for the Great Report Guys!! Let's take it Viral!!

From: Southeast Texas - monkeysgirl351

A Major False Flag Terror Attack Coming Soon to America?

A False Flag event will most likely become reality when the shadow elite will consider that the time is right to advance to the next step of the global collapse scheme. I think that Obama's importance is overstated, he's nothing but a temporary pawn in this horrid game just like the euro leaders. The world is no longer controlled by the elected people .Prepare for the worst because everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Unfortunately people cannot turn the tide in time. America wants to dominate the world, with the excuse of terrorism.America is in its last death throws before political and economic collapse due to the demise of the dollar. This is simply a grab to prop up the dollar and obtain control of oil...its so obvious America is addicted to consumption, oil dependent. America is living its decline, experiencing the end of a model that does not work. Americans are losing their civil rights, living in a dictatorship. FEMA camps ... 911 was a Bush/Cheney inside job. It is the despair of a violent nation..none of the psychopaths running the country would ever worry about war because they don't fight it. They sit in comfort while Americans go and risk their lives. When the solders come back from war, they may or may not be able to find a job or a home.

The Goverment Sprays chemtrails right, And the chemtrails form clouds that collect water and then it rains. So they own the rain because they patented alluminum oxcide that they spay as chemtrails is in the water, they think they own it. Isnt that what Monsanto does when there crops invade another field, and Monsanto charges the farmer with steeling there GMO BS that nobody wants. From: Gerald Celente’s blogspot  

Is A Major "False Flag" Terror Attack Coming Soon?

UPDATES from DTOM Brandon Raub:

Here is the first email I got from Brandon Raub and I think it provides a lot of lessons for out community to learn from.

Brandon Raub: From the Denial Stage to Anger StageOf the Awakening

Finally, I’ll leave you with 5 short videos to watch…

The 5 Stages Of The Awakening

Learn more about the 5 Stages of the Awakening

Be sure to subscribe to the Greatest Truth Never Told on YouTube and at

As always, please research and analyze the whole thing with your OWN Mind.

3rd World Peeps of A 3 cents “Where TRUTH Matters because WE are all Human Beings.”

Scrutinize the candidates BEFORE/AFTER Election. Why? It’s because WE are a Human Being! IT’S PAYBACK TIME!!!
#Puppeteers and the GREAT #Puppets

UPDATES: Please remember that out of 535 elected officials in Congress, there’s only MAYBE ONE or TWO that’s been serving for the best interest of the majority of the people!!! And it seems that pretty soon it would all be 535 elected official needed to be VOTED OUT!!!


That is… up to us, WE THE PEOPLE!

If WE really want the REAL CHANGE besides electing the PRESIDENT that’s OF/FOR/BY the People!

Peace, Truth & Freedom #ResistanceDuty

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