HEADLINES: Tons of Information for y’all!
h/t + Joachim Wahl +Che Ulisses Wow! Great Job! Folks, lots of stuff that you can watch and read... As always, please research and analyze the whole thing with your OWN Mind!
Be Inquisitive ALWAYS! #TPD #EndTheFed #August2013
#TotalCONTROL #TPP #Agenda21
#FreeYourMind OR #BADASS
NOTE: Since tons of information is on this post. You could search for these tags: Tons of information, Lots of Stuff, Own Mind, Great Job, Research and Analyze, INQUISITIVE and KCPy. And of course, the Title of the Post!
Let the TRUTH and FREEDOM Echoes Around the Globe!
Peace, Truth & Freedom
Che Ulisses originally shared this post:
Lebanonize & Conquer: 'CIA, Mossad on Syria front line' - http://youtu.be/mh7_z9nZsZQ
Jb - So You Wanna Be? - http://youtu.be/DvmVXel12Zk
- https://www.reverbnation.com/play_now/song_3789028?utm_campaign=opengraph&utm_content=song&utm_medium=link&utm_source=facebook
Aleppo: Conflicting stories and the truth - http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/10-08-2012/121873-aleppo_truth-0/
Armed & Bailed: Ex-Blackwater mercs pay crimes with fines - http://youtu.be/KSUBOhKPwJw
‘Blackwater acted under auspices of US government’ - https://rt.com/usa/news/blackwater-government-auspices-trial-311/
'USA (NATO) uses al-Qaeda for military adventure' - http://youtu.be/XIcXVgSiEB4
Turkey: NATO’s Neo-Ottoman Spearhead in the Middle East - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=32268
Reactionary Feudal Monarchies of Gulf Increasingly Unstable; End of Ramadan Will Escalate Demonstrations Against Saudi Royals - http://tarpley.net/2012/08/09/reactionary-feudal-monarchies-of-gulf-increasingly-unstable-end-of-ramadan-will-escalate-demonstrations-against-saudi-royals/
'Bahrain boiling but USA (European Union & NATO) will never allow democracy' - http://youtu.be/P6yRK8MymOE
Syria & the Bahrain diamonds-Double Standards-01-21-2012 - http://youtu.be/12bYN5aP7Q8
Obama on Libya war-The Real Deal-06-19-2011-(Part1) - http://youtu.be/dbZ2sDjzf0o
Denali - Look To The Sky Ft. Alex Jones (Official Hip Hop Music Video) - http://youtu.be/6e9JJMevzXE
Obama on Libya war-The Real Deal-06-19-2011-(Part2) - http://youtu.be/JY13PL7lOY8
Not To Be Shown on CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC or FOX - NATO's Crimes in Libya - http://youtu.be/6qXRwBXK34o
Good night with George Galloway (Episode 3 Galloway on Syria) - http://youtu.be/xUZ5FwYmkhw
The Al-Qaeda Deception - http://youtu.be/2XSNqvwqD98
WHO HAS THE POWER ??? KING DAVID - http://youtu.be/3Y9lVm5dV20
‘British-born jihadists fighting Assad in Syria’ – captured photographer - https://rt.com/news/british-jihadists-fighting-syria-360/
Saudi Arabia revolution to ruin NATO's Syria plans: Webster Tarpley - http://youtu.be/ZUS3H_t6_BY
Good night with George Galloway MP...Episode 2. in 720p "World of pirates" - http://youtu.be/O2pZp7x0hfM
Turkey installs camp near the Syrian border - http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/conflicts/08-08-2012/121857-turkey_infiltration_syria-0/
'State Dept in bed with 'Blackwater'' - http://youtu.be/jBPkH0trES8
Amnesty International: An Instrument of War Propaganda? - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=32271
Leaked: Obama approved covert CIA support for Syria rebels - http://youtu.be/BBczHTf18fc
'Covert war waged against Syria'-News Analysis-06-28-2012 - http://youtu.be/gRKbVmobLTk
Syrian Girl - Why Al Qaeda is Al CIAda - http://youtu.be/qCqmI1SQB5o
West provoking civil war in Syria: Jonathan Steele - http://youtu.be/L5IYjkIvzsQ
Russia explains the rejection of the resolution on Syria - http://english.pravda.ru/russia/kremlin/05-08-2012/121845-russia_syria-0/
'US, Britain seek to wage World War III over Syria conflict' - http://youtu.be/c-GN9Gnl7JA
No mainscream over one-sided Arab Spring coverage - http://youtu.be/0EzIcNjXbI8
Libya's chaos after the NATO war-Double Standards-01-28-2012 - http://youtu.be/H1so97MXUd0
The Dangerous Global Consequences of a Syria Intervention - http://youtu.be/ns-wuZhCZ2Q
Al-Qaeda thrives as US helps to 'flip' Syria - http://youtu.be/0GhF9ib8bIY
Targeting the Innocent: Govt links a death sentence in Syria - http://youtu.be/p9nl8Yd2KGk
Lebanonize & Conquer: 'CIA, Mossad on Syria front line' - http://youtu.be/mh7_z9nZsZQ
Anglo-American 1957 Secret Plan to Assassinate the Syrian President. Déjà Vu? - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=32254
'West turned Assad into Gaddafi-like bogeyman' - http://youtu.be/3aGB7rPX9PM
Israel (USA & European Union & NATO) Wants The Syrian Government to Fall - http://youtu.be/CxL3sZG-unM
Missile Defenseless: Poland slams US power play, plans own shield - http://youtu.be/0CsN4KQZpy8
US Gulf Course: Missile defense or world dominance? - http://youtu.be/f6DcpqSdIDE
"Fictitious Enemies" and "Combat Scenarios": The Pentagon and NATO Rehearse for War against Russia (& China)? - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31742
Sea of Trouble: 'US-China tension spells trouble for Asia-Pacific' - http://youtu.be/wudFdO84T7g
Combat-ready: Iran to strike mock USA (NATO Arabs Jackals) bases - https://rt.com/news/iran-us-military-strike-254/
Information overload? Don't tune out... Get informed!
Know where to turn for the real news - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31654
World » Asia » Syria, US elections and collateral damage - http://english.pravda.ru/world/asia/01-07-2012/121527-syria_us_elections-0/
Cloud Atlas Extended - http://youtu.be/hWnAqFyaQ5s
Some online posts that are true...
«(...) 4. Dale, this article is a reflection why there is such a wide gulf between academia and policy-making as well as why the Ivory Tower is not trusted by the American people . . . the Ivory Tower has isolated itself from the American pulse. In contrast, Putin's policies have more/less been consistent with what the Russian people desire/want whereas Obama's middle east policies reflect the fringes of American society and not its pulse, for want of a better word. (...)»
Why Iran Should Get the Bomb
Waltz, Kenneth N.
Foreign Affairs; Jul/Aug2012, Vol. 91 Issue 4, p2-5, 4p
Abstract: The author reflects on Iran's nuclear program and suggests that
its acquisition of nuclear weapons would be a positive development capable of bringing stability to the Middle East. Particular focus is given to U.S. and Israeli responses to the possibility of nuclear weaponization or breakout capacity in Iran. According to the author, U.S. and Israeli
policymakers have incorrectly portrayed Iranian leadership as irrational and susceptible to bold offensive moves. It is suggested, however, that if Iran acquires nuclear weapons it will be motivated by self-preservation and will follow the cautious pattern of behavior displayed by other nuclear powers such as China, India, and Pakistan. Other topics include terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and economic sanctions.
Author Affiliations: Senior Research Scholar, Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Columbia University
Nuclear Balancing Would Mean Stability
The past several months have witnessed a heated debate over the best way for the United States and Israel to respond to Iran's nuclear activities. As the argument has raged, the United States has tightened its already robust sanctions regime against the Islamic Republic, and the European Union announced in January that it will begin an embargo on Iranian oil on July 1.
Although the United States, the EU, and Iran have recently returned to the negotiating table, a palpable sense of crisis still looms.
It should not. Most U.S., European, and Israeli commentators and
policymakers warn that a nuclear-armed Iran would be the worst possible
outcome of the current standoff. In fact, it would probably be the best
possible result: the one most likely to restore stability to the Middle
The crisis over Iran's nuclear program could end in three different ways.
First, diplomacy coupled with serious sanctions could convince Iran to
abandon its pursuit of a nuclear weapon. But this outcome is unlikely: the historical record indicates that a country bent on acquiring nuclear weapons can rarely be dissuaded from doing so. Punishing a state through economic sanctions does not inexorably derail its nuclear program. Take North Korea, which succeeded in building its weapons despite countless rounds of sanctions and un Security Council resolutions. If Tehran determines that its security depends on possessing nuclear weapons, sanctions are unlikely to change its mind. In fact, adding still more sanctions now could make Iran feel even more vulnerable, giving it still more reason to seek the protection of the ultimate deterrent.
The second possible outcome is that Iran stops short of testing a nuclear
weapon but develops a breakout capability, the capacity to build and test
one quite quickly. Iran would not be the first country to acquire a
sophisticated nuclear program without building an actual bomb. Japan, for instance, maintains a vast civilian nuclear infrastructure. Experts believe that it could produce a nuclear weapon on short notice.
Such a breakout capability might satisfy the domestic political needs of
Iran's rulers by assuring hard-liners that they can enjoy all the benefits
of having a bomb (such as greater security) without the downsides (such as international isolation and condemnation). The problem is that a breakout capability might not work as intended.
The United States and its European allies are primarily concerned with
weaponization, so they might accept a scenario in which Iran stops short of a nuclear weapon. Israel, however, has made it clear that it views a
significant Iranian enrichment capacity alone as an unacceptable threat. It is possible, then, that a verifiable commitment from Iran to stop short of a weapon could appease major Western powers but leave the Israelis
unsatisfied. Israel would be less intimidated by a virtual nuclear weapon
than it would be by an actual one and therefore would likely continue its
risky efforts at subverting Iran's nuclear program through sabotage and
assassination-which could lead Iran to conclude that a breakout capability is an insufficient deterrent, after all, and that only weaponization can provide it with the security it seeks.
The third possible outcome of the standoff is that Iran continues its
current course and publicly goes nuclear by testing a weapon. U.S. and
Israeli officials have declared that outcome unacceptable, arguing that a
nuclear Iran is a uniquely terrifying prospect, even an existential threat.
Such language is typical of major powers, which have historically gotten
riled up whenever another country has begun to develop a nuclear weapon of its own. Yet so far, every time another country has managed to shoulder its way into the nuclear club, the other members have always changed tack and decided to live with it. In fact, by reducing imbalances in military power, new nuclear states generally produce more regional and international stability, not less.
Israel's regional nuclear monopoly, which has proved remarkably durable for the past four decades, has long fueled instability in the Middle East. In no other region of the world does a lone, unchecked nuclear state exist. It is Israel's nuclear arsenal, not Iran's desire for one, that has contributed most to the current crisis. Power, after all, begs to be balanced. What is surprising about the Israeli case is that it has taken so long for a potential balancer to emerge.
Of course, it is easy to understand why Israel wants to remain the sole
nuclear power in the region and why it is willing to use force to secure
that status. In 1981, Israel bombed Iraq to prevent a challenge to its
nuclear monopoly. It did the same to Syria in 2007 and is now considering similar action against Iran. But the very acts that have allowed Israel to maintain its nuclear edge in the short term have prolonged an imbalance that is unsustainable in the long term. Israel's proven ability to strike potential nuclear rivals with impunity has inevitably made its enemies anxious to develop the means to prevent Israel from doing so again. In this way, the current tensions are best viewed not as the early stages of a relatively recent Iranian nuclear crisis but rather as the final stages of a decades-long Middle East nuclear crisis that will end only when a balance of military power is restored.
One reason the danger of a nuclear Iran has been grossly exaggerated is that the debate surrounding it has been distorted by misplaced worries and fundamental misunderstandings of how states generally behave in the international system. The first prominent concern, which undergirds many others, is that the Iranian regime is innately irrational. Despite a
widespread belief to the contrary, Iranian policy is made not by "mad
mullahs" but by perfectly sane ayatollahs who want to survive just like any other leaders. Although Iran's leaders indulge in inflammatory and hateful rhetoric, they show no propensity for self-destruction. It would be a grave error for policymakers in the United States and Israel to assume otherwise.
Yet that is precisely what many U.S. and Israeli officials and analysts have done. Portraying Iran as irrational has allowed them to argue that the logic of nuclear deterrence does not apply to the Islamic Republic. If Iran acquired a nuclear weapon, they warn, it would not hesitate to use it in a first strike against Israel, even though doing so would invite massive
retaliation and risk destroying everything the Iranian regime holds dear.
Although it is impossible to be certain of Iranian intentions, it is far
more likely that if Iran desires nuclear weapons, it is for the purpose of
providing for its own security, not to improve its offensive capabilities
(or destroy itself). Iran may be intransigent at the negotiating table and
defiant in the face of sanctions, but it still acts to secure its own
preservation. Iran's leaders did not, for example, attempt to close the
Strait of Hormuz despite issuing blustery warnings that they might do so
after the EU announced its planned oil embargo in January. The Iranian
regime clearly concluded that it did not want to provoke what would surely have been a swift and devastating American response to such a move.
Nevertheless, even some observers and policymakers who accept that the Iranian regime is rational still worry that a nuclear weapon would embolden it, providing Tehran with a shield that would allow it to act more
aggressively and increase its support for terrorism. Some analysts even fear that Iran would directly provide terrorists with nuclear arms. The problem with these concerns is that they contradict the record of every other nuclear weapons state going back to 1945. History shows that when countries acquire the bomb, they feel increasingly vulnerable and become acutely aware that their nuclear weapons make them a potential target in the eyes of major powers. This awareness discourages nuclear states from bold and aggressive action. Maoist China, for example, became much less bellicose after acquiring nuclear weapons in 1964, and India and Pakistan have both become more cautious since going nuclear. There is little reason to believe Iran would break this mold.
As for the risk of a handoff to terrorists, no country could transfer
nuclear weapons without running a high risk of being found out. U.S.
surveillance capabilities would pose a serious obstacle, as would the United States' impressive and growing ability to identify the source of fissile material. Moreover, countries can never entirely control or even predict the behavior of the terrorist groups they sponsor. Once a country such as Iran acquires a nuclear capability, it will have every reason to maintain full control over its arsenal.
After all, building a bomb is costly and dangerous. It would make little
sense to transfer the product of that investment to parties that cannot be
trusted or managed.
Another oft-touted worry is that if Iran obtains the bomb, other states in
the region will follow suit, leading to a nuclear arms race in the Middle
East. But the nuclear age is now almost 70 years old, and so far, fears of
proliferation have proved to be unfounded. Properly defined, the term
"proliferation" means a rapid and uncontrolled spread. Nothing like that has occurred; in fact, since 1970, there has been a marked slowdown in the emergence of nuclear states. There is no reason to expect that this pattern will change now. Should Iran become the second Middle Eastern nuclear power since 1945, it would hardly signal the start of a landslide. When Israel acquired the bomb in the 1960s, it was at war with many of its neighbors. Its nuclear arms were a much bigger threat to the Arab world than Iran's program is today. If an atomic Israel did not trigger an arms race then, there is no reason a nuclear Iran should now.
In 1991, the historical rivals India and Pakistan signed a treaty agreeing
not to target each other's nuclear facilities. They realized that far more
worrisome than their adversary's nuclear deterrent was the instability
produced by challenges to it. Since then, even in the face of high tensions and risky provocations, the two countries have kept the peace. Israel and Iran would do well to consider this precedent. If Iran goes nuclear, Israel and Iran will deter each other, as nuclear powers always have. There has never been a full-scale war between two nuclear-armed states. Once Iran crosses the nuclear threshold, deterrence will apply, even if the Iranian arsenal is relatively small. No other country in the region will have an incentive to acquire its own nuclear capability, and the current crisis will finally dissipate, leading to a Middle East that is more stable than it is today.
For that reason, the United States and its allies need not take such pains to prevent the Iranians from developing a nuclear weapon. Diplomacy between Iran and the major powers should continue, because open lines of communication will make the Western countries feel better able to live with a nuclear Iran. But the current sanctions on Iran can be dropped: they primarily harm ordinary Iranians, with little purpose.
Most important, policymakers and citizens in the Arab world, Europe, Israel, and the United States should take comfort from the fact that history has shown that where nuclear capabilities emerge, so, too, does stability. When it comes to nuclear weapons, now as ever, more may be better. (...)»
USA (NATO) escalates military threat against Iran - https://www.wsws.org/articles/2012/jul2012/iran-j04.shtml
Vladimir vs Bilderberg - http://english.pravda.ru/world/americas/11-06-2012/121366-Putin_Bilderberg-0/
Stalemate as Russia Hangs Tough Against US Extortion; More Hysterical Outbursts by Hillary Clinton; US-NATO Endgame is MicroStates, MiniStates, Partition (Geneva Conference on Syria Ends in Stalemate as Russia Hangs Tough Against US Extortion) - http://youtu.be/DlngtJ2JxqI
Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters” - http://www.prisonplanet.com/shocking-videos-reveal-truth-behind-syrian-freedom-fighters.html
Leaked: Shock footage allegedly shows Syrian family slain by rebels (GRAPHIC VIDEO) - https://rt.com/news/syrian-family-massacre-rebels-936/
Armed rebels abduct 14 Palestinian Liberation Army members in Syria - http://presstv.com/detail/2012/06/28/248413/rebels-kidnap-14-palestinians-in-syria/
Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED! Adam Gadahn & Yousef al-Khattab - http://youtu.be/GsUtvOW6SR0
CIA Agent Exposes How Al-Qaeda Dosen't Exist - http://youtu.be/GARE6NcxdcY
Soros Foundation–Kyrgyzstan - http://www.soros.org/about/offices-foundations/soros-foundation-kyrgyzstan
Turkey vows retaliation, Russia calls for restraint -News Analysis-06-26-2012 - http://youtu.be/a7FFqrBE54I
Arafat's body to be exhumed amid reports of polonium poisoning - https://rt.com/news/arafat-polonium-poisoning-investigation-358/
VIDEO: Agresión de policías israelíes a un niño palestino Según la ONG que documentó el video, se trata de una práctica muy común en ciertas zonas de Palestina...
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CrossTalk: Iraq Meltdown - http://youtu.be/p40vqCmks2M
AP Partially Reveals Terrorist Tactics Of Syrian Death Squads - http://youtu.be/mjyiSm_tZQU
BBC: Osama bin Laden was CIA agent & Al-Qaeda Never Existed - Invented by CIA - http://youtu.be/sbkvz4hezmU
US Army builds artificial mysterious island in Atlantic Ocean - http://english.pravda.ru/world/americas/04-07-2012/121558-poplar_island-0/
Death of the US Constitution: Can Americans Escape the Deception? - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31749
Happy Fourth of July! - Millions of poor Americans will be without health care - http://english.pravda.ru/society/stories/04-07-2012/121565-health_care-0/
CNN Botches Effort To Refute ‘Syria Danny’ Propaganda Scandal - http://www.infowars.com/cnn-botches-effort-to-refute-syria-danny-propaganda-scandal/
Reports of Turkish and Saudi Troops Massing on Syrian Borders as NATO Presses for Regime Change - http://youtu.be/ci0a936lZ8s
Iran boasts it could wipe out US presence in Middle East in minutes - https://rt.com/news/iran-great-prophet-hormuz-us-bases-416/
Abbas to RT: We want to co-exist with Israel – independently - https://rt.com/news/abbas-palestine-un-membership-441/
Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters” - http://www.prisonplanet.com/shocking-videos-reveal-truth-behind-syrian-freedom-fighters.html
Maritime Force of the Iranian Army in international waters - http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/conflicts/03-07-2012/121541-maritime_iran-0/
'Syrians must be vigilant against plots' - http://presstv.com/section/351020208.html
Russia Reportedly Preparing 2 Divisions, Spetsnaz Brigade for Deployment to Syria; Mini-Goebbels Ben Rhodes of Obama White House Runs Colossal Black Propaganda Op to Assist NATO Coup; Massacre of Alawites and Christians Looms; Cass Sunstein Destabilizes Vatican to Muzzle Protest - http://tarpley.net/
Russia's genetic and beam weapons scare the West - http://english.pravda.ru/russia/politics/04-07-2012/121557-russia_absolute_weapon-0/
China Seen by Africans as Partners, America and Europe Seen as Predators - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31731
Strait Answer: Iran prepares to close Hormuz - http://youtu.be/zLt6VejuDIA
Hands Off Syria and Iran!
End the Drone Wars!
We Need Jobs, Education and Healthcare, Not Endless War!
- http://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31632
La manipulación mediática: una de las armas más eficaces en las revueltas árabes
Texto completo en: https://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/48177-La-manipulaci%c3%b3n-medi%c3%a1tica-una-de-armas-m%c3%a1s-eficaces-en-revueltas-%c3%a1rabes
Russia and China are brothers!!! - http://youtu.be/i40a6bcSrAQ
'Tell Brits to remove Cameron and see what happens' - Assad's adviser - http://youtu.be/wn-zqT6O7XM
Russia and China vow to protect Syria from becoming another Libya - http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/conflicts/25-06-2012/121471-russia_china_syria_libya-0/
Syria president vows to protect his people - http://www.euronews.com/2012/06/29/syria-president-vows-to-protect-his-people/
Russia & China will confront any US-led attack on Syria: Webster Tarpley - http://youtu.be/anCW_KO_gqA
Alex Jones : Full Spectrum Dominance Death Machine Rant - http://youtu.be/BQrL6AyX2xA
Full spectrum dominance (Pepe Escobar: Welcome to the New Cold War) - http://youtu.be/pTwdiC5jQ-I
Uncertain World: Russia and the United States: A Precarious Balance - http://en.beta.rian.ru/columnists/20120621/174162747.html
Bilderberg Breaker Estulin: US builds 13 secret bases for war with Russia/China - http://youtu.be/iPLAOtf6t_4
War against Russia/China/SCO/BRICS/ALBA is a road to hell - http://english.pravda.ru/society/stories/22-06-2012/121456-russia_war-0/
Russia/China/SCO/BRICS/ALBA... JUST Bravely Fight … AND DO NOT REPEAT THE turncoating TREASON OF the 80 AND 90...
Bravely We Will Fight - http://youtu.be/DSMPqSV2KTU
Soviet Music - Bravely We Will Fight (english subtitles).mp4
- http://youtu.be/ZAFOv4RF5P4
The Sacred War - Священная война - Svyaschennaya voina
- http://youtu.be/yy8mxh0P63M
TalkingStickTV - Michael Parenti - The U.S. War on Yugoslavia - http://youtu.be/GEzOgpMWnVs
US presidents useless - Putin - http://english.pravda.ru/russia/politics/20-06-2012/121432-us_presidents_putin-0/
USA (the main shareholder of this EURO-ATLANTIC 卍 empire or IV 卍REICH) and NATO (the new 卍 Wehrmacht) follows the principle of "divide et impera" (divide and rule)! And during the last decade of the 20th century they almost manage to achieve what the III Reich and all its allies (corporations & transatlantic institutions/organizations) did not (more than fifty years earlier).
- http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/terror/28-10-2011/119457-Opium_wars_to_oil_wars-0/
"History doesn't repeat itselt. But it does rhyme" Mark Twain!
Star Wars - A Good Day to Die - http://youtu.be/lxJiZrwBTJs
The best way to stop these USA & EU & NATO & School of AmericaS & Saudi Arabia & Qatar & Gulf theocratic princes & monarch despots & many others informal outfits... IS TO PUT IN PLACE AND EXECUTE/to carry out THE SELF DEFENSE PLANS THAT EXISTED (MANY Millions GRU/Vympel/ Osnaz/Spetsnaz &TROIKAS - оперативная тройка - судебнаятройка - чрезвычайная тройка - специальнаятройка - & MANY thousands of new improved RA-115s &RA-115-01s & many others state of art NUCLEAR & Chemical and bacteriological WEPONS & Cyber Warfare & many others devices & other gadgets for purposes of self-defense)... & milions of Ready Willing & Able GRU/Vympel/Osnaz/Spetsnaz/etc that in self-defense will automatically deploy them without blinking an eye, without hesitation and in no time...
First Squad The Moment Of Truth...
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xirgqk_first-squad-the-moment-of-truth-1-7_shortfilms
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xis6mq_first-squad-the-moment-of-truth-2-7_shortfilms
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xisw40_first-squad-the-moment-of-truth-3-7_shortfilms
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xiswky_first-squad-the-moment-of-truth-4-7_shortfilms
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xisxvc_first-squad-the-moment-of-truth-5-7_shortfilms
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xisyrp_first-squad-the-moment-of-truth-6-7_shortfilms
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xit0mc_first-squad-the-moment-of-truth-7-7_shortfilms
I CAN ASSURE YOU ALL THAT THESE SO CALLED «HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTIONS» from FUKUS Axis (France, UK, USA and NATO) WOULD STOP RIGHT AWAY... because I'm sure the North americans & British & French & the NEW Thule 卍 SECRET SOCIETIES & or the KLEPTOCRATIC European BILDERBERG Union love their children too - http://youtu.be/H9AMtUeyDP0 - http://youtu.be/itWKVy3yM0s -http://youtu.be/8bAH9BaiygI
I See You [Theme from Avatar] - http://youtu.be/3YDz-ftqr1g
USA (the main shareholder of this EURO-ATLANTIC 卍 empire or IV 卍REICH) and NATO (the new 卍 Wehrmacht) follows the principle of "divide et impera" (divide and rule)! And during the last decade of the 20th century they almost manage to achieve what the III Reich and all its allies (corporations & transatlantic institutions/organizations) did not (more than fifty years earlier).
- http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/terror/28-10-2011/119457-Opium_wars_to_oil_wars-0/
"History doesn't repeat itselt. But it does rhyme" Mark Twain!
Bilderberg Breaker Estulin: US builds 13 secret bases for war with Russia/China - http://youtu.be/iPLAOtf6t_4
Joining voices and efforts for the dissolution of NATO (& the NEW Thule 卍 SECRET SOCIETIES & or the KLEPTOCRATIC European BILDERBERG Union) - http://english.pravda.ru/world/europe/02-06-2012/121294-dissolution_nato-0/
- http://english.pravda.ru/world/europe/02-06-2012/121294-dissolution_nato-1/
John Legend & The Roots performing Wake Up Everybody - http://youtu.be/iJgxJ6JrPkc
Full spectrum dominance (Pepe Escobar: Welcome to the New Cold War) - http://youtu.be/pTwdiC5jQ-I
"COLLAPSE OF SOVIET UNION A HUGE MISTAKE" ... treason !- http://youtu.be/Ee1MM6prcik
- http://youtu.be/IatoF2H-pnQ
FOREIGN POLICY: Russia and the Changing World - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31174
That Deceptive Word "Freedom" - HD - http://youtu.be/Gfey8UV3MAk
The best way to stop these USA & EU & NATO & School of AmericaS & Saudi Arabia & Qatar & Gulf theocratic princes & monarch despots & many others informal outfits... IS TO PUT IN PLACE AND EXECUTE/to carry out THE SELF DEFENSE PLANS THAT EXISTED (MANY Millions GRU/Vympel/ Osnaz/Spetsnaz &TROIKAS - оперативная тройка - судебнаятройка - чрезвычайная тройка - специальнаятройка - & MANY thousands of new improved RA-115s &RA-115-01s & many others & many others devices/gadgets)...
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder - It's a Good Day to Die (FULL + Songtext) - http://youtu.be/Q6yFXY9JqEo
Missing Season 1 ABC Series - http://youtu.be/gj-8X57A0R8
Russia/China/SCO/BRICS/ALBA... JUST Bravely Fight … AND DO NOT REPEAT THE turncoating TREASON OF the 80 AND 90...
Bravely We Will Fight - http://youtu.be/DSMPqSV2KTU
Soviet Music - Bravely We Will Fight (english subtitles).mp4
- http://youtu.be/ZAFOv4RF5P4
The Sacred War - Священная война - Svyaschennaya voina
- http://youtu.be/yy8mxh0P63M
US presidents useless - Putin - http://english.pravda.ru/russia/politics/20-06-2012/121432-us_presidents_putin-0/
Bilderberg Breaker Estulin: US builds 13 secret bases for war with Russia/China - http://youtu.be/iPLAOtf6t_4
David Icke-The Greatest Speech for Humanity-V for Vendetta-Directors cut - http://youtu.be/JQWFugNFCVw
Nigel Farage on the Failings of the EU Summit and an Antidemocratic Europe - http://youtu.be/jNgDReKg2Ss
USA (the main shareholder of this EURO-ATLANTIC 卍 empire or IV 卍REICH) and NATO (the new 卍 Wehrmacht) follows the principle of "divide et impera" (divide and rule)! And during the last decade of the 20th century they almost manage to achieve what the III Reich and all its allies (corporations & transatlantic institutions/organizations) did not (more than fifty years earlier).
Gore Vidal: History of the national security state - http://youtu.be/z4YIU6ufzdM
GLOBAL 卍 NATO: A Geostrategic Instrument of Worldwide Military Conquest - A Historical Review and Analysis (1949-2012) - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=30899
IF GADAFI / THE GREEN REVOLUTION and LIBYA (and all future victims of this ignoble proto-nazi capitalist warmongering strategies) fall to submission to western crusades & NATO COLONIALISM/IMPERIALISM & new OPERATIONS BARBAROSSA, DOUBLE STANDARDS, REGIME CHANGE, U.S.A. USING HUMAN RIGHTS TO SELL ECONOMIC HITMEN WARS, OPPORTUNISM, CORPORATOCRACY, NEOCOLONIALISM then this will be not only the defeat of the Libya but also SCO & BRICS… who do you think that will be the next ones to fall ?!?!
Humanitarian Imperialism Hypocrisy/Double Standard to Use Human Rights to Sell War & or steal away/to take the economic natural resources/property/assets (the oil/gas...etc) of others (countries & peoples) without permission or right...
Gaddafi's death: To be forgotten, not forgiven - http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/crimes/31-05-2012/121286-gaddafi_death-0/
- Humanitarian Intervention Challenged with Diana Johnstone
- http://youtu.be/O4GLzz-9lRY
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7Fzm1hEiD
Obama plans war on Syria - http://english.pravda.ru/world/americas/31-05-2012/121281-obama_war_syria-0/
- http://english.pravda.ru/world/americas/31-05-2012/121281-obama_war_syria-1/
IF GADAFI (and ALL FEASIBLE & POTENTIAL & PROBABLE & FUTURE VICTIMS OF THIS ignoble proto-nazi capitalist warmongering strategies & NATO COLONIALISM/IMPERIALISM & NEW OPERATIONS BARBAROSSA, DOUBLE STANDARDS, REGIME CHANGE, U.S.A. USING HUMAN RIGHTS TO SELL ECONOMIC HITMEN WARS, OPPORTUNISM, CORPORATOCRACY, NEOCOLONIALISM) DOES NOT HAVE A FUTURE IN LIBYA THEN FOLLOWING SAME imperialistic cynic capitalist & neocolonialist LOGIC… Mr. M , Mr. P, Mr H, Mr. W J and many... many others so called friends & or partners & or mad fiends & or hipocrital false, crooked, lying and deceptive partnerships (with friends like these new Thule 卍 SECRET SOCIETIES & proto-nazi capitalists & IMPERIAL COLONIALISTS...) in many other rich countries... may also someday not have any future in their homeland...
John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire - http://youtu.be/7fVAifnnlg0
Full Spectrum Dominance and the 卍 NWO 卍 - http://youtu.be/frw87_Fbc8g
Alex Jones : Full Spectrum Dominance Death Machine Rant - http://youtu.be/BQrL6AyX2xA
Full spectrum dominance (Pepe Escobar: Welcome to the New Cold War) - http://youtu.be/pTwdiC5jQ-I
The best way to stop these USA & EU & NATO & School of AmericaS & Saudi Arabia & Qatar & Gulf theocratic princes & monarch despots & many others informal outfits...
- IS TO ENABLE IRAN TO HAVE 100 DECLARED state of art NUCLEAR & Chemical and bacteriological WEPONS & Cyber Warfare & other gadgets for purposes of self-defense... & milions of Ready Willing & Able GRU/Vympel/Osnaz/Spetsnaz that in self-defense will automatically deploy them without blinking an eye, without hesitation and in no time...
- IS TO ENABLE SYRIA TO HAVE 100 DECLARED state of art NUCLEAR & Chemical and bacteriological WEPONS & Cyber Warfare & other gadgets for purposes of self-defense... & milions of Ready Willing & Able GRU/Vympel/Osnaz/Spetsnaz that in self-defense will automatically deploy them without blinking an eye, without hesitation and in no time...
- IS TO ENABLE NORTH KOREA TO HAVE 100 DECLARED state of art NUCLEAR & Chemical and bacteriological WEPONS & Cyber Warfare & other gadgets for purposes of self-defense... & milions of Ready Willing & Able GRU/Vympel/Osnaz/Spetsnaz that in self-defense will automatically deploy them without blinking an eye, without hesitation and in no time...
- USE ALL Means Necessary INSIDE AND OUTSIDE TO NEUTRALIZE EVERY FINANCIAL & ECONOMIC & ARMS trafficking FROM USA & EU & NATO & School of AmericaS & Saudi Arabia & Qatar & Gulf theocratic princes & monarch despots & many others informal outfits...TO SYRIA
I CAN ASSURE YOU ALL THAT THESE SO CALLED HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTIONS from FUKUS Axis (France, UK, USA and NATO) WOULD STOP RIGHT AWAY... because I'm sure the North americans & British & French & the NEW Thule 卍 SECRET SOCIETIES & or the KLEPTOCRATIC European BILDERBERG Union love their children too - http://youtu.be/H9AMtUeyDP0 - http://youtu.be/itWKVy3yM0s -http://youtu.be/8bAH9BaiygI
Libya, Syria and the defeat of Western diplomacy - http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/31-05-2012/121280-libya_syria_western_diplomacy-0/
Path for Peace: Russia & West agree on transition government for Syria - http://youtu.be/g_L5EGWgmYg
President Assad speaks - http://english.pravda.ru/hotspots/conflicts/30-06-2012/121525-assad_speaks-0/
USA (the main shareholder of this EURO-ATLANTIC 卍empire or IV 卍REICH) and NATO 卍 (the new Wehrmacht) follows the principle of"divide et impera" (divide and rule)! And during the last decade of the 20th century they almost manage to achieve what the III Reich and all its allies (corporations & transatlantic institutions/organizations) did not (more than fifty years earlier).
USA 卍 Military NATO 卍 and CIA 卍 Interventions since World War II - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=BLU20120220&articleId=29410
After a bloody conflict with the whole world, a people, a new society, won their first war...
First World War, Civil War, Foreign Interventions... All those have been won, with high price, that many payed dearly with their lives or the lives of the ones they cared.
Now, with one front won, and outer peace for the time being, People have turned to their land that they have won, only to realize, that a new front awaits them there, more bloody and much different, but with the same enemy...
This film (AT HOME AMONG STRANGERS, A STRANGER AMONG HIS OWN - Свой среди чужих, чужой среди своих ) portrayed that new fight, for peace, peace for the land they inherited, for the love and care... A life of a young Chekist and his friends...
Long Live the Soviets! Long Live the idea that they proved to us! Long Live the Red Flag, colored with the blood of the pure care and love for the fellow human, for the one who died for a better tomorrow, for a better future, and the honesty and sincerity in their hearts.
...Communists... you know your procedure.
- http://youtu.be/6WmZ8ncEXds
- http://youtu.be/DSMPqSV2KTU
The best way to stop these USA & EU & NATO & School of AmericaS & Saudi Arabia & Qatar & Gulf theocratic princes & monarch despots & many others informal outfits...
I WILL CONTINUE TO MAKE MY CASE FOR reinforcing SCO & CIS & CSTO & Proletarian ☭☆ ☭☆ internationalism & rebuilt International ☭☆ ☭☆ Brigades & MANY Millions GRU☭☆ ☭☆/Vympel ☭☆ ☭☆ / Osnaz☭☆ ☭☆ /Spetsnaz ☭☆ ☭☆ &☭☆ ☭☆ TROIKAS ☭☆ ☭☆ (оперативная тройка☭☆ ☭☆ Proletarian ☭☆ ☭☆ NGOs ☭☆ ☭☆International ☭☆ ☭☆ Carbonari ☭☆ air/land/sea ☭☆Brigades (better trained equipped than capitalist imperialist XEBlackwater) - судебная тройка ☭☆ ☭☆ -чрезвычайная тройка ☭☆ ☭☆ - специальнаятройка ☭☆ ☭☆ & BRICS & LIBYA AND THE GREEN REVOLUTION/GADAFI (and all previous/future victims of this ignoble proto-nazi capitalist warmongering strategies) AND AGAINST CAPITALISM, NATO 卍,NEOCOLONIALIST/IMPERIALIST OPERATIONS 卍BARBAROSSA, BILDERBERG 卍,KLEPTOCRATIC PLUTOCRACIA/OLIGARCHIES, BOHEMIAN 卍GROVE, IMF, HUMANITARIAN HYPOCRISY, LIES, E.U.,DOUBLE STANDARDS, REGIME CHANGE, U.S.A.,USING HUMAN RIGHTS TO SELL ECONOMIC HITMEN WARS, OPPORTUNISM, CORPORATOCRACY, NEOCOLONIALISM &THE REAL “END GAMES” WITHOUT CONSPIRACY THEORIES BUT TRUE HISTORICAL FACTS/EVENTS AND LOGICAL, UNCOMPROMISED, UNBIASEDAN ALYSIS!
CHINA+ RUSSIA (BRICS & SCO & ALBA are a Superpower again - http://youtu.be/qo2tXjcAHCU
2012, end of the World and Time? (Hostile Waters) - http://youtu.be/J9ldZCs40MU
SCO Super Power上合力量 - http://youtu.be/oZX73X9ZJos - http://youtu.be/8bAH9BaiygI
BECAUSE OF too many déjàvu SITUATIONS...
BROTHERS☭ ☆ ... S.M.E.R.S.H. Protect yourself! - MANY MillionsGRU/Vympel/ Osnaz/Spetsnaz & TROIKAS (оперативнаятройка - судебная тройка - чрезвычайнаятройка - специальная тройка) & MANYthousands of new improved RA-115s & RA-115-01s & many others Cyber Warfare & many others gadgets...
- http://youtu.be/8KQGXf5b7dU
- http://youtu.be/ZbHLc2kP8V4
- http://youtu.be/XZJrB62Qv8o
- http://youtu.be/KOS0_WEuYUU
- http://youtu.be/4MNMNJ7oWI8
- http://youtu.be/y6fN6wUAbjU - http://youtu.be/9RaQzcB8i_A
SCOTribute - http://youtu.be/v_yjgwk-_e8- http://youtu.be/qOjvc-DOyAw
Discurso Che Guevara - Abaixo ao imperialismo (Capitalism & Neocolonialism)!
- http://youtu.be/h0DnbRAdYCc - http://youtu.be/0jy2sHwakLY- http://youtu.be/OCDBCeRRk9Q
PUSHClip - "Telekinetic Gun Fight"
- http://youtu.be/nPAoy3UMh_Y - http://youtu.be/EgB70STcqSw- http://youtu.be/TNsOqVBzrYo -http://youtu.be/afT1fAwSr-Q- http://youtu.be/oow0d-lLY8E
Crisis:The stupidity of the western approach - http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/29-11-2011/119777-stupidity_crisis-0/
One of the reasons why I NEVER WORKED AND I WILL NEVER WORK FOR ANY OF THESE 1%+19 % (of abetters/acolytes/capitalist economichitmen/henchmen/accomplices & Plutocratic 卍 Bilderberg Bohemian 卍Club & THIS IS WHY I DO NOT WANT America(USA 卍NATO卍E.U.) to stay a superpower (Corporatocracy,Corporatism, Fascism) & Gladio 卍odeSSa operations nazi Bilderberg 卍Bohemian Club IV 卍reich economic Dictatures)... ControlledWorldwide Economic Collapse Planned Around Arrival of 2nd Sun BrownDwarf Star - http://youtu.be/ZnpACqHJXPo
Ten myths about capitalism - http://english.pravda.ru/business/companies/15-02-2012/120518-ten_myths_capitalism-0/
CPC☭☆ ☭☆ discipline & cadre ☭☆ ☭☆ watchdog vows zero tolerance to Corruption, Stagnation, Economic Sabotage, CorruptCapitalist Kleptocracies/Plutocracies & Neoliberal Burocracies & Hooligans Profiteers & Speculators & Corporocracys &Officials & Burocrats & Turncoat & Trojan and global treasons/proto-nazi capitalist warmongering strategies...
- http://english.cpc.people.com.cn/66102/7293682.html
World☭☆ ☭☆ Revolution is coming - http://youtu.be/y-SxRGB36D8
Capitalism brings immense suffering to the world and needs to be overthrown that is according to political economist and author Raymond Lotta from NewYork. He told RT he thinks a revolution is coming - http://youtu.be/tg3hYLzfWYQ
Marx on Capitalism - http://youtu.be/TrWEfAxnRp0
"Everything You've Been Told about Communism Is Wrong, Capitalism Is a Failure, Revolution (MARXISM-LENINISM ☭☆ COMMUNISM) Is the Solution"- http://youtu.be/Ms99-3Nj81I
Ideals of social justice... CombatNeo-Liberalism, Imperialism, Fascism, all Theocracies, Capitalism, Neocolonialism, Proto-nazism THIS EUROATLANTIC BILDERBERG EMPIRE/MATRIX/CORRUPT KLEPTOCRACY, MODERN DAY SLAVERY, WAGE DEBT SLAVES/NEW ORDER, NATO (the new Wehrmacht) & this Secret Rulers ofthe World IV REICH & THE ENDGAME = Blueprint for Global Enslavement...
- Combat Neoliberalism/Capitalism - http://youtu.be/yhfZaJXDV8Q -The American Dream By The Provocateur Network - http://youtu.be/ZPWH5TlbloU
Total Collapse - The Build up to World War III - http://youtu.be/X_KAj8O8qes-http://youtu.be/n7Fzm1hEiDQ
- http://youtu.be/Bb3gB-qY2bQ
- http://youtu.be/IDJMjuKt-gc -http://english.pravda.ru/society/stories/20-09-2011/119095-wost_enemy-0/
- http://vimeo.com/29701339
- http://youtu.be/QeHd3em2gWA - http://youtu.be/yhfZaJXDV8Q
Combat Neoliberalism卍/Capitalism卍 http://youtu.be/yhfZaJXDV8Q
China & Russia & CPC: No tolerance to corruption & turncoats & traitors& political deserters & corrupt Apparatchiks & DEBTSLAVES OLIGARCHIES - http://english.cpc.people.com.cn/66097/66188/4480819.html
- http://english.cpc.people.com.cn/66097/66188/4485875.html
- http://english.cpcnews.cn/92275/6287709.html
- http://english.cpc.people.com.cn/66097/66185/4473075.html
- http://english.cpc.people.com.cn/65547/65572/4481151.html
- http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90002/92169/92187/6283181.html
-Communism... http://youtu.be/ise7lyGP1dM
The voice of allegiance/loyalty...
Russia/China/SCO/BRICS/ALBA... JUST Bravely Fight … AND DO NOT REPEAT THE turncoating TREASON OF the 80 AND 90...
Soviet Music - Bravely We Will Fight (english subtitles)...
- http://youtu.be/DSMPqSV2KTU
What Have The Soviet Unions ☭ ☆ Ever Done For Us?
- http://youtu.be/IatoF2H-pnQ
- http://youtu.be/184NTV2CE_c
- http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1irg4_l-appel-des-resistants_news
- http://youtu.be/DSMPqSV2KTU
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